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ENT OSCEs (MasterPass) – Original PDF

10 Point


CRC Press; 3rd edition (October 6, 2022)


Joseph Manjaly, Livy Kenyon, Peter Kullar


Original PDF


202 pages




‎ 1032209801


978-1032191737, 978-1032209807, 9781003266204, 9781032191737, 9781032209807

Revised and expanded for the third edition, this book is both a guide for your first ENT job and a tried and tested revision guide covering all aspects of the MRCS (ENT) OSCE. Written by a team of ENT specialists, the accessible text follows a step-by-step approach with each OSCE station based on the style of past questions. Recent changes in the structure of the examination, together with the nature of the examination in both COVID and post-COVID contexts are included.

With over 120 colour images, the guide remains unrivalled as a tool with which to prepare for ENT exams. It is essential reading for candidates of the MRCS (ENT) OSCE and will also aid trainees in preparation for specialty registrar national selection interviews. It is highly recommended for GPs wishing to refresh their knowledge of how to assess common ENT problems and will also be an ideal reference for any junior doctor learning to take histories and examinations in their first ENT post. Finally, it is an invaluable resource for medical students undertaking their ENT attachment and in preparation for final examinations.


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