Publisher | Elsevier; 4th edition (February 16, 2022) |
Authors | Jay T. Bishoff, Louis R. Kavoussi |
Format | True PDF (With Toc & Index) + MP4 – Complete Videos |
File Size | 141MB + 1.5GB |
Hardcover | 368 pages |
Language | English |
ISBN-10 | 032381199X |
ISBN-13 | 978-0323811996, 9780323811996, 9780323812009 |
Atlas of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery – True PDF+Toc+Index+Videos
- 2023-01-23
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Concise, thorough, and superbly illustrated, Atlas of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery, 4th Edition, is an ideal resource for learning new techniques or briefly reviewing before a case. Written and edited by renowned experts in the field of laparoscopic and robotic surgery, this practical text covers today’s best minimally invasive approaches using the surgical systems, equipment, and robotic devices in use today. More than three hours of video instruction, an increased focus on robotics and new urologic procedures, and step-by-step illustrations help you sharpen your skills in this high-demand area.
- Contains new chapters on Post Operative Management: Pain and Other Considerations for Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS); Bladder Reconstruction in Children; Sacrocolpopexy; Applications for Infertility Surgeries; and Surgery of the Spermatic Cord.
- Includes new and updated information on nephrectomy, adrenalectomy and partial adrenalectomy, urinary diversion, and partial cystectomy and diverticulectomy.
- Offers new content on camera and lens systems, instrumentation, the da Vinci surgical system, pyelo/ureterolithotomy, robotic-assisted and laparoscopic simple prostatectomy, and more.
- Covers radical robotic prostatectomy, innovative approaches to treat ureteral strictures, up-to-date surgical care of malignancies, and novel pediatric surgeries.
- Features more than 30 high-quality videos online (many are new) including robotic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, robotic assisted kidney transplantation, robotic simple prostatectomy, robotic cystectomy and robotic neobladder evolution, laparoscopic partial adrenalectomy, and many more.
- Provides clinical pearls, tips and tricks, and complications boxes throughout.
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