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Pediatric Drug Directory – Original PDF

50 Point


Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.; 9th edition (December 31, 2018)


Novy Gupte, Suraj Gupte


Original PDF


497 pages






‎ 978-9352704750, ‎ 9789352704750

This book focuses on pediatric drug directory. Drugs are our fine servants and awful masters. This holds nowhere as good as in pediatric practice. Their injudicious use in infants and children can indeed prove disastrous. This book consists of 7 sections, which are further divided into 56 chapters. Section 1 deals with an overview of the basics of pediatric drug therapy, including principles, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, drug monitoring, etc. Section 2 specifically provides salient information about general medications, beginning with analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs through antihypertensives to vitamins. Section 3 embarks on antimicrobials including antibiotics and antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic drugs. Section 4 deals with unclassified drugs. Section 5 focuses on drugs employed in neonatology. Section 6 gives guidelines on standard therapeutic approach to neonatal and pediatric emergencies. Section 7 provides useful information on vaccines (both conventional and new), including combination vaccines. This book will provide the readers yet more fruitful reading material in the larger interest of the child patients in need of medication.


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